Friday, May 30, 2008

Finding Inspiration in Absinthe

Frequent visitors to the shop know we occasionally partake of cocktail hour. Some of us, intrigued by the news that absinthe, the drink of choice of 19th-century bohemians, is now legally available, procured a bottle. (Given that it's a distillation of the wormwood variety of artemisia, anise, fennel and often other herbs such as melissa, hyssop, veronica and angelica, we considered it 'research.') Our legs did not turn into tulips as Oscar Wilde legendarily reported. If the "Green Fairy" cast any enchantment on us, it was as much for its intoxicating color and the bottle itself. While we heartily encourage our customers to partake of our fabulous selection of vases, we also believe in creative "repurposing." Got a great vase hiding in your home?

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